If you’ve ever played a game of Monopoly, first off I’m sorry. That game sucks. Secondly, this is something you’ve always wanted to try: handing an actual officer a “Get Out of Jail Free” card to see if it would actually work. I’ll have both admitted that if I was the cop in this scenario, that person would go scot-free because that’s just friggin awesome!
Well someone actually had the balls to try the trick out, and now we’re better for knowing how the scenario would really go down.
A Dakota County, Minnesota deputy arrested a man wanted on a felony warrant over the weekend, and the guy decided to pull a Hail Mary by wiping out the Monopoly card. It was enough to get a chuckle out sheriff’s office, and they did us all a favor by sharing it on their Facebook.
While the post said he got an “A” for effort, the 5-0 still arerested the 35-year-old suspect for a fifth-degree controlled substance warrant–the lowest level drug felony in Minnesota. His bail was set at $5,000.
Dude’s going to have to Pass Go 25 times to cover that!